
Business profile

Space Florida is the leader in enabling and inspiring cutting-edge aerospace and aviation companies to reach their potential in Florida, connecting the brightest minds with the most advanced resources. Our mission is to retain, expand and diversity the State’s aerospace industry. Space Florida’s toolkit is invaluable in leading efforts to attract and expand aerospace and defense sectors across the State of Florida.

See speaker profiles

Colonel Robert Long

Space Florida


Wednesday 06 March


11:40 - 12:30   |   Keynote Theatre

Space launch - is there room for everyone?

Matthew Archer

Missions and Capabilities Director for Launch,
UK Space Agency

Jörn Spurmann

Chief Commercial Officer,
Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA)

Colonel Robert Long

President and Chief Operating Officer,
Space Florida

Paul Cremin, MBE

Head of Spaceflight,
Department for Transport

Colin Macleod

Head of UK Space Regulation,
Civil Aviation Authority

Debbie Strang

Chief Operating Officer,
SaxaVord UK Space Port

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